“MaximoGroups.org communities are designed to share knowledge and experience, to showcase successes, to highlight challenges, and to generally provide a means to develop professional and personal relationships in order to gain a better understanding of how to best utilize Maximo.”

Facilities Management & Maintenance Users Group (FMMUG)

A community comprised of Maximo, Tririga & Envizi Users who are in the business of managing, operating, and maintaining Facilities.  Workshops are open to users from all geographical locations, industries, and verticals.

This group was established to support, promote, and serve the Facilities Management & Maintenance Community through the sharing of knowledge and experiences, showcasing successes, identifying challenges, and building relationships to gain a better understanding of how to best utilize IBM Asset Management and Sustainability platforms within all types of Facilities.

Las Vegas Maximo Users Group (LVMUG)

A regional group comprised of Maximo Users from the greater Las Vegas area including Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Southern California, and Utah – Group workshops are open to users from all geographical locations!

Pacific Maximo Users Group (PacMUG)

A regional group comprised of Maximo Users from the Pacific rim including Alaska, Hawaii, Northern California, Oregon, Southern California, Washington, and British Columbia – Group workshops are open to users from all geographical locations!

Southwest Maximo Users Group (SWMUG)

A regional group comprised of Maximo Users from the greater Southwest including Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas – Group workshops are open to users from all geographical locations!

West Mountain Maximo Users Group (WMMUG)

A regional group comprised of Maximo Users from the rocky mountains areas including Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming – Group workshops are open to users from all geographical locations!

MaximoGroups.org LinkedIn

Established to support/promote/serve all Maximo professionals/users through sharing knowledge and experience, showcasing successes, highlighting challenges, and providing a means to develop professional and personal relationships in order to gain a better understanding and best utilization of Maximo.